Mrs. Whitworth's Class - Team 33

Mrs. Whitworth's Class - Team 33
What a good looking group!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

This Week for TEAM 33

Good Afternoon Everyone,

What a beautiful weekend! Wow, it was so hard coming in this afternoon to do some much needed work here at school.

I have three very important items to share with you concerning our trip to Flat Rock:

    1. You MUST contact Mrs. Treibec to arrange dropping off meds for the trip. Please call her to set up a time to drop them off. This has to be done by this Friday, Oct. 6th.

     2. All money and forms have to be turned in by this Friday. There are still some forms floating around out there that need to be turned in. We also have some money that has to be turned in.

     3. EVERYONE must sign the waiver (all students and chaperones) or you won't be able to participate in the activities at the camp. These are also due by Friday.
The kids are getting very excited about our trip (and so are the teachers). I hope you saw the waiver papers and the list of things the kids and you (if chaperoning) will need for the trip. Please remind your child that we still have a lot of work to complete before the trip.

The Book Fair is this week. We will be browsing on Tuesday morning and buying during our library time on Wednesday. Other times for shopping can be arranged if needed.

This Friday is the end of the first nine weeks. Wow!, that's so hard to believe. One of the kids mentioned last week that they couldn't believe we've been in school for nine weeks already. I feel the same way!

This week we will be reading Historical Fiction books during Reading. Our spelling test will be on Tuesday and the kids will be getting their new lists. We will be finishing up our first class read-aloud Fish in a Tree tomorrow. The kids have really enjoyed listening to this story. Ask them what they think about Ally and Shay. I think they will have some definite opinions about the two characters.

In math this week, we will be working on multiplicative comparisons, triangles, and quadrilaterials.

Please read with your child every night for 15 to 20 minutes and ask them questions about what they have read. This helps them more than you can imagine. Remind them to work on their multiplication triangles a little each day. We need to get them learned so the kids know them automatically.

Thanks for all you do and again thanks for sharing your kids with me each day.

Have a great week:)

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